Learn SEO Free Online

SEO Masterclass Online

SEO Masterclass enrollment for bloggers, content writers and website owners. This is a free online class for all interested persons

It’ll commence on 2nd July, the duration is 2 weeks and it’s limited to only 20 participants.


* Best SEO practices for new website
* How to create optimized posts for Google first page
* Keys to driving organic traffic to your website
* Basic tools for website optimization
* Troubleshooting website that is not indexed by Google
* How to improve Domain Authority for Search presence
* Bonus: Unraveling the recent 2018 Google Search Update

PS: It’s strictly on WhatsApp, message admin on 08162200229 SEO for more info


4 responses to “SEO Masterclass Online”

  1. I don’t understand. Is like tutorial or chat training?

  2. Am in. please I have sent a message

  3. how can I enroll and be part of the training.

  4. hellom i drop ya a message on facebook i will love it if you check it up and very much interested in your SEO training.. Hoping for your feed back as soon as possible

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